Monday, February 9, 2009

My Boss Is So Fucking Racist

So today she gives me some kind of Asian desert, and tells me how it's supposedly very healthy and is eaten a lot in southeastern Asia. Then she busts out with,
"Those damn Asians, with their healthy eating, vegetables and soy, so thin and young looking."
and I'm like
And she responds,
"Yeah, for Asians everything is healthy."
I could not believe she was saying that, so i responded,
"Aren't you Asian?"
[she's actually full Cambodian] And she goes,
"Yeah, but I don't eat like that"
I was quite perplexed from the conversation we had just had. Yesterday she commented on a group of people that came in to eat at my work and knowing they're all black, she says,
"They're all just happy because their president won."
I responded saying,
"Don't you mean our president?"
I don't think she caught my response cuz it was pretty busy that day. Earlier this week, she also commented saying,
"White people and their damn bread."
I was like,
"What about it?"
She says,
"It's so important to them"
I didn't respond, but what she was talking about was the dinner rolls we serve with every meal. Her comments always catch me off guard and are always so blunt I can't believe she saying the things she says because she has a minor in psychology. i would think knowing so much about psychology, you wouldn't be so ignorant or at least so judgmental. What really throws me off, is that she admits being a racist, not that she hates other races but the fact that her comments and perspective on certain things are racist. I know this has nothing to do with me, but it was on my mind and I had to tell someone or at least write about it, and by write i mean blog.

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