Thursday, March 26, 2009

random and feelin irritated/tired/sick

So for the past few days, i've been feeling a real sore, and I'm not sure why. Especially my buttcheeks, but I think it could be the studded belt i wore all day and was sitting on for the part of the day. I've also had a head ache since yesterday. I haven't been eating right either. There's a smell in my room of mayo and cheese and it's bugging the hell out of me.

Last night while I slept I got bit by a mosquito twice on my arm. So all day I've been itchy on my arm and I it's been irritating me all day. I'm doing laundry at the moment and it's already midnight and I have school in the morning which I really don't feel like going.

Yesterday I went out to get some chinese carry out when a scary thing happened. I was driving home and there was an ambulance behind me with it's sirens on and everything so I started to stop but it kept coming behind me and I got way nervous, I had no idea what to do, cuz I thought it was going to go around me, but my dumbass forgot that I was supposed to stop on the right and outter part of the street. I was stopping in the middle of the street to my left. But I quickly pulled to the left as soon as I could and the ambulance dashed right beside me. There was an accident only a block down and I swear I was thinking maybe I could in trouble for having stopping in the middle of the street instead of the outside of it. And before I started to drive forward once the ambulance had stopped me, I saw a cop that was at the stoplight which I swear I thought I was going to get pulled over for doing such a dumbass thing, but luckily I didn't. I felt so scared cuz before I pulled to the right the ambulance was going so fast right behind me I thought it was gonna crash into me. :S

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